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Cricut Stickers For Beginners Ebook | A Guide to Sticker Making

Cricut Stickers For Beginners Ebook | A Guide to Sticker Making

I bet you’re here to learn how to make stickers with your Cricut machine. Well, I have good news, I know just how to do that! 


I'm Julianne and I have been making stickers with my Cricut since 2022. I am the founder and admin of the Facebook group Cricut Stickers for Beginners and have been helping others create their own stickers for the last year! In this 25 page guide,  I will be taking you through all of the steps that I’ve learned, and sprinkling in helpful tips along the way.  I’ll be explaining sticker terminology, sharing basic tools you’ll need, showing you where to get your designs (without a subscription to Design Space!), and most importantly, HOW to make awesome stickers! That’s why you’re here after all, isn’t it?!


I have broken down each step into detailed and easily understandable chapters (with pictures!) to teach you how to confidently make stickers with your Cricut! 


Have questions about the Ebook? Send me a message on my website or email me at

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